Hello from the other side-finding my way.


hello from the other side

15 July 2017 by Valrelyn Parson…. my journey to the other side.

Change is often frightening when you don’t know what the future holds, it’s not about what the future holds. It’s in knowing who holds your future. It’s really not about the destination, but the journey along the way.  We are to enjoy each season of our lives, and although  storms may come our way. We must not get weary, overwhelmed or fearful.  God often takes us through the storm to test us.  He wants us to often travel to the other side and often the terrain , to get to the other side is often not easy to travel on. The waters are often choppy and hard to sail.  You may  have to get into the boat and ride out the storms.  So much like the disciples, we question God and we need”  “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”   He often asks us “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”   When you have the creator of the universe is traveling with you, why are you afraid, where is your faith. Is it so difficult to fathom that he will not let you stumble or fall nor will he forsake you.  It’s the crossing over to the other side that often scares us. What is about the future that frightens us? Do we believe that we aren’t worthy of what it holds, are or we afraid of success, afraid of finally making it of having it all.

Often  you see it’s not the lack of  faith in God, but  in oneself, that you lack of faith in oneself.  You have been stranded on one side of the river, when all you had to do was cross over. When all you had to do was leap, to take up your bed and walk. To be like Ruth, and permit the dead to bury the dead  or  like Ester and be willing to go.  It’s the realization that you no longer have to wrestle, you don’t have to fight anymore. Because he states he will fight our battles for us, but the battle is not against anyone it’s against self. When we begin the journey in crossing over, it’s about total surrendering, it’s letting go of old beliefs and unrealistic expectations. Its forgiving those who have hurt you unjustly. It’s saying goodbye to old dreams and embracing new ones. It’s me letting go and releasing a dream that I carried in my spirit and believing in God to rebirth a new dream. It’s finally being able to say adieu and not look backward. It’s saying to myself Valrelyn it is not your concerns. If they get it, or if they don’t, you have done what you were supposed to. It’s being naked and unashamed and walking into the waters, The coolness of the water is so refreshing, so encompassing. I feel a freedom that I haven’t felt for a while. I am free, from my own fears I can immediately cross over to the other side.. In crossing over and finally leaving those things behind, I realize that it was me that kept me from crossing. It was me holding on to God’s promises or rather trying to bring them forth before their time. I realize that when he gives us a vision, he gives us the provision for the that vision. There is no lack, doubled mindedness, or self-doubt there is perfect peace. There is a peace knowing that no matter how choppy the waters are you are  not alone. There is a peace in knowing ,that if the boat tips over, you will swim and make it to shore. There’s  a peace and serenity of knowing that you have finally passed the test and you will not have to travel that road again.  And with crossing over to the other side, you see that the only soul you were wrestling with was you.

A week ago I mentioned Jacob wrestle with God. But ultimately he wrestled with himself, the inward man.  For us to totally be blessed we have to give up pretending to be who we aren’t and embrace who we are.  God won’t fully bless us with all he has for us if we aren’t real. Being real means truly knowing who you are, and knowing that there are no limitations.  It’s  knowing that God doesn’t expect you to be perfect.  He wants you to be you, the real you. Not, the you, we often hide behind the mask, the you that has flaws, and scars; it’s those things that are concealed within us  that creates an  exceptional you.  It is when you can confront the raw truth about yourself before the creator that you are free, you are set loose from any concerns or questions. Because within you there is a warrior. You have just fought your hardest fight and it was against yourself.  We often wrestle with the affairs in our minds, that tell us we aren’t good enough, we aren’t worthy, or we can’t possibly accept that which we dream. You must  believe that you were created for just that.

As I reflect the last 24 months, I realize that I too was afraid to cross over to the other side.  It’s time to leave certain people behind and move forward. I have come to  realize that not everyone is meant to be in my life for good, they are temporary  and others are just distractions. Those relationships or distraction takes so much out of you, you forget to breathe. They are so consuming that they suck the life out of you  and cause you to lose focus. You forget about crossing over.  When  their season is up in your life you can breathe again.  Finally you come to the realization, that not everyone will cross over with you.  There will be some who remain on the other side. I’ve spent 24 months learning this lesson.

You can’t build anything on a lie, it has to be the truth. If your house- a metaphor for your life is not built on a solid foundation, it will crumble. For the last 2 years I have been building a house, I have watched the foundation be laid. I have seen a shift in the foundation. I have seen the stakes, moved and a new plan appear, but I have not wavered in my convictions. I am building a house with my husband.  I have come to understand that  WE are not alone and that HE is with me. He is with the Father and me and  We the three of us are building this house together. You know, for a while I assume I knew who he was,  but I’ve come to realize just as the father has me hidden. He is  hidden as well. I believed he sent one man to help me build HIS house, but he wasn’t the one. He kept moving the stakes, the foundation kept shifting.  There were constant foundation issues, because we were building the house on sand.  He  didn’t understand the vision, he couldn’t read the plan, nor did he have the ability to dig down into the rock.  So, like quicksand the foundation  gave way because it wasn’t steady.  WE are now rebuilding  that house, in a new location  and this time I am not alone in digging the foundation. There are 3 of us, me, my father and the one he has for me.  The house is almost ready to be inhabited.  I no longer have to ask ‘WHERE AM I, because I know where I am. My father has me so hidden, that in order to see me you must seek him. That is where I am now. I understand that the one has for me is very nigh, but nonetheless he is so far because it is all about timing. The home is almost built, the home that we have been building on in the spiritual realm for 2 years is virtually accomplished.  It’s closer than I think, but not close enough to touch.

I am crossing over, to the other side and HE is with me. HE has released me to accomplish what HE promised. God has removed all the limits off and there are no limitations he has let go of me.  HE took my right hand and pierced it, with my hand encompassed in his hand  HE healed it. HE said to me that  when you touched people with this hand, you would heal them. When I awaken my right hand was shivering and in pain. I knew without a shadow of doubt I had been before the LORD. At that place was no injury, only HIS word of what the future holds. In order for me to experience the things I have the last couple of weeks, I had to leave some folks behind. I had to cross over to the other side. In the weeks to come you will know if you made it with me to the other side, or if you were simply left behind.





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